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selective diffusion中文是什么意思

用"selective diffusion"造句"selective diffusion"怎么读"selective diffusion" in a sentence


  • 选择扩散
  • 选择性扩散


  • A plastic membrane serves as selective diffusion barrier .
  • It is described that the innovatory technology of selective diffusion and study on surface passivation in theory for crystalline silicon solar cell
  • As far as the new technology of selective diffusion , the method of printing is used and the phosphoric paste ( high concentration ) is printed at the electrode - site in silicon . afterwards , a thin layer of phosphoric source ( low concentration ) is sprayed on the surface of the non - electrode - site in silicon
    在选择性扩散新工艺中,我们采用丝网印刷电极的方法在硅片的电极位置印刷浓度较高的磷浆(掺磷sio _ 2乳胶) ,在非电极区喷涂一层浓度较低的磷源,扩散后形成重掺杂和轻掺杂。
  • Firstly , the basic principle of solar cell is summarized ; secondly , the study on selective diffusion for crystalline silicon solar cell is introduced , including the explain away structure of selective emitter solar cell and the technological design of selective diffusion ; at last , the research of surface passivation in theory is expounded
    首先,简要阐述了太阳电池的基本原理;其次,阐述了晶体硅太阳电池选择性扩散的研究(其中包括选择性发射极太阳电池的结构说明和选择性扩散的工艺设计) ;最后,阐述了表面钝化的理论研究。
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